For those who have asked if they could simply make a donation. Please understand that Buddy's Dream LLC is set up as a For Profit organization, not as a non-profit, therefore, donations are not tax-deductible.
Please enjoy this photo of Buddy as part of our thanks for your donation. If you have a dog training or behavior issue that you would like to ask me about, I would be happy to donate an hour of my time by phone to discuss your specific situation and help you. During this hour-long session I will provide individualized guidance to resources, professionals, and methods that have been proven to help with dog behavior issues. If your specific issue is something I do not have experience with, I will refer you to a qualified professional who would be able to help you. Please understand, there are rarely quick fixes to behavior issues, so anything I or anyone I refer you to recommend will likely require significant time and dedication on your part to address. Please use the "add a note" feature in the lower left corner of the cart page, or contact me via email at if you would like to set up a time we can talk by phone.
International Customers: Please enjoy the photo of Buddy, and feel free to also select one or all three of the free dog training books (located under "Dog Training Help and Information" and also under the "Donation" tab). Unfortunately we are not able to provide Guidance Sessions by phone internationally. International customers in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand may purchase our digital guidance documents. International customers in countries other than Canada, Australia, and New Zealand may take advantage of all the free information in our blog.
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